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Roze in Blauw / Pink in Blue, LGBTQI+ police network and support

By February 09, 2020 4856

Roze in Blauw or 'Pink in Blue' is the LGBTQI+ network of all police units and police services. These teams are the points of contact for Lesbians, Gays, Queer, Bisexuals and Transgender people from within and outside the police.

Roze in Blauw (website in Dutch) urges you to report any incidents you might have had or have seen involving discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. An incident could concern violence, threats of violence, discrimination, insult or harassment.

Alway in urgent or life threatening situations call: 112 (National General Emergency Number) For non urgent situations and direct contact with ' Roze in Blauw' call 088-1691234. Roze in Blauw in Rotterdam has an Instagram account


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Last modified on Sunday, 16 February 2020 18:11
Talitha Nollen

Talitha (1988) deelt graag haar trots voor de stad Rotterdam! Ze is gek om eropuit te trekken, samen met haar gezin of vrienden, om de stad te ontdekken. Er is altijd wel iets te doen! Je kunt Talitha vaak vinden in musea of de nieuwste restaurantjes. Talitha is moeder van dochter Jule, die ze samen met de twee papa's opvoedt. In het dagelijks leven werkt Talitha als marketing & PR adviseur voor haar eigen bureau Hippr.

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