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The Hang-Out 010

By August 26, 2020 4584
Hang-Out 010 Hang-Out 010

Do you ever think about things like sexuality, love, sex and relationships? About what it's like to be gay, bi or lesbian? How it would be if you were a boy or a girl right? Or neither? Then you are always welcome in The Hang-Out 010 ...

The Hang-Out 010 is ... a place where young people come together because they are different from heterosexual or cis-gender, or because they have friends who are, or because they think about these topics.

So you don't have to fit in a box to come to The Hang-Out. As long as you are 26 or younger. In The Hang-Out 0 10 we don't assume that you are straight or cis-gender, as in most environments. That's the difference, and that's why young people like to come there.

Would you like to come by? Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and you will receive more information and the address.

You can find more info about Hang-Out010 via:

instagram fb logo

bezoek website






Additional Info

  • Address: The Hang-Out 010 is a safe haven for young people who are out, but also in the closet. For this reason, the address of The Hang-Out 010 is not public. If you would like to come by yourself, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the address.
  • Opening hours: Send us an e-mail so we can better inform you.
  • Contact: 06-20315701
  • Emailaddress: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Last modified on Wednesday, 26 August 2020 16:49
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