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Rotterdam Icons: #1 The Butt Plug Gnome

By de redactie February 09, 2020 5014

No, you are not hallucinating. Right there, on one of Rotterdam's busiest shopping street stands a giant gnome holding quite a peculiar looking object. In 2001 many locals thought: it’s a butt plug! The city council wasn’t having any of it and decreed it be placed elsewhere, perhaps a more discrete location. 

My work is more about being a clown than a shaman
Paul McCarthy

A failed attempt was made to donate it to the neighboring town of Barendrecht, maybe expecting that the citizens of that good town live a more sheltered life? However eventually our gnome was banished to the courtyard of the Boijmans Museum.  It took until 2008 for the Butt Plug Gnometo return to public life. He was heralded back like a true divawith a small parade, and erected at the Eendrachtsplein.

The statue was made by the L.A. based artist Paul McCarthy and is actually named Santa Claus. It is meant as a commentary on current day consumerism, but with a wink. When questioned about his work McCarthy replied: “My work is more about being a clown than a shaman”.  We think he hit the nail on the head in this case. However, there is some irony in the fact that it was the local shop owners, who were most enthusiastic about the arrival of this playful feller. They rightly realized that it would draw a crowd.

By now Rotterdamhas made it’s peace with the Butt Plug Gnome, and even subjects him to the occasional fancy dress party. In 2010 for instance, during the Grand Départ of the Tour de France from Rotterdam, he wore a yellow jersey made by a ladies knitting club. For the coronation of King Willem Alexander in 2014 he was fitted with a red robe (see picture) and later that year he wore lederhosen.  

What may be easy to miss, is that at a stone’s cast from our peculiar leprechaun, there are sculptures by much more famous artists: Auguste Rodinand Pablo Piccaso, to name but two. Walking along the right side of the Westerkade from the Central Station, you will find an actual sculpture trail.  The start of it is also visible from the terrace of café de Unie. And as long as you are there: what do you think when you look up at that building?

Walking from our sex gnome to the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen,you will pass a big sculpture based on a design by Picasso. This too was part of a controversy; back in 1963 the purchase was blocked. In 1970 it was finally acquired. And because history repeats itself, right now there is a new controversy with locals protesting. Recently the city has made plans to place two giant ‘balls’ (globes actually) in front of the Central Station; some people thought it was better empty and blocked it. Do you see the pattern….?

If you are interested in a guided tour along the sculptures of Rotterdam, you can for instance contact Leijnse Stadstours. They offer a variety of options. 


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Last modified on Sunday, 09 February 2020 17:03